Learning through play

Whether you are a beginner seeking to understand the basics or an experienced user aiming to improve your skills, these applications offer a convenient and effective way to explore and master the intricacies of the digital world.

With Integreat, you can quickly and easily provide immigrants with local information in several languages. While you as a city or district fill the information app with local content, we take care of the technology in the background. The concept is convincing: Integreat is already used by 25% of all cities and districts nationwide in their integration work and, with over 3 million hits per year, is the most widely used digital integration platform.

Sie benötigen Unterstützung bei der Integration in Deutschland? Sie suchen offizielle Ansprechpartner in Ihrer Umgebung?
Die Welcome App Germany bietet allen Interessierten Informationen rund um das Leben in Deutschland. Das macht sie zu einer praktischen Orientierungshilfe. Es werden Prozesse von Migration und Integration erklärt und mit Ansprechpartnern versehen. Außerdem finden sich nützliche

A guide for your first weeks in Germany

Understanding how Germany works is the basis for good co-operation. Everyone has the same obligations and must abide by German law. But everyone also has the same rights. In the app, you will learn about the rules of this country and what you need to pay attention to. Get involved! And get started right away…

The RefAid mobile app shows migrants, refugees and those who help them where services are near them – on a map with a very simple interface.

Our website offers trustworthy and easy-to-understand information on a broad range of health topics

Handbook Germany : Together offers answers from A to Z about life in Germany in texts, videos and podcasts on the information platform handbookgermany.de. In nine languages , we giveimportant tips on residence law issues, housing, health, work and education as well as daycare, studying and much more.

A guide for unaccompanied minors

Zanzu is an internet platform that aims to promote the acquisition of knowledge in the field of sexual health for refugees and others.