About Us
A special partnership between FEM e.V. in Germany, JUCUM in Spain, and Art et Diversité in France.

2 Year + exchanges
The Digital Immigrant Library blossoms from
It’s a place where stories come alive, knowledge grows, and everyone is invited. Beyond just books, it’s a space for all of us to explore the digital world together. Through stories, it helps us learn and become experts online, making life better for everyone. This library is proof of what happens when we all work together—it’s a place where we all belong and can make amazing things happen!
A list containing, for each of the partner countries:
- associations providing support,
- information websites
- and digital applications
A kit of courses and activities for learning.
Contact to ask any question

A Erasmus projet
With three organisations partners, from France, Germany and Spain.

(Forum des Empowerment und Teilhabe für Migranten e.V.) promotes migrant development and integration initiatives.

Crossing differences through talents, encounters, and diverse expressions.

Supporting foreign individuals in their sociocultural and socio-economic projects.